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2x2 Notation Guide

The WCA 2x2 notation is the official notation set out by the World Cubing Association and is the correct notation for all official WCA scrambles. In the images below, the part of the puzzle that is coloured is the part of the puzzle that you twist for that notation. 

Please Note: All images used in this guide are generic pictures of 2x2 Speed Cubes and may not be genuine Rubik's brand cubes. All images are for illustrational and educational purposes only

Single Layer Turns

Case 1 - how to solve a SQ-0

When You see an UPPERCASE 'F' you should move the front layer in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.

Case 2 - how to solve a SQ-0

When You see an UPPERCASE 'U' you should move the upper layer in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.

Case 3 - how to solve a SQ-0

When You see an UPPERCASE 'R' you should move the right layer in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.

Case 4 - how to solve a SQ-0

When You see an UPPERCASE 'B' you should move the back layer in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.

When You see an UPPERCASE 'D' you should move the bottom layer in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.

When You see an UPPERCASE 'L' you should move the left layer in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.