How to Organise a Cube Competition

Are you a student at school or university and want to organise an official WCA cubing competition?
Let's dive on into the basics you need to know.

Did You Know Image
Most UK competitions are organised by people just like you! Parents, teachers, cubers or other members of the cubing community

Time & Place

The WCA like to get most competitions in their diary 4 months in advance and whilst there have been competitions held in conference rooms and event halls, they do prefer sports halls as they do tend to work out cheaper.

Remember: An ideal location will be in/around a large town and have good public transport links such as bus/train stations in close proximity.

What to say?

When contacting a venue for the first time be sure to introduce yourself and the UKCA, it's also worth mentioning that the UKCA are a non-profit organisation and that all staff are volunteers.


- What is the size of the venue in square meters?

- let them know that the UKCA would require the venue from 08:00-19:00 on Saturday and 08:00-18:00 on Sunday (What available weekends do they have?)

- Do they have enough tables and chairs for the competitions? As a general rule of thumb we would need 2x the amount of chairs as there are competitors and 1/3 the amount of tables?

- What is the cost of hiring this venue?

Did You Know Image
You can request KewbzUK to sponsor your competition

Just let the UKCA know that you would like KewbzUK to sponsor your competition and we will do our best to clear our schedule.

Competitors & Cost

For most standard competitions, the competitor limit is between 100 and 250.

The competitor limit is calculated by taking the square meters of the venue and dividing by 4, then rounding down to the nearest 5. This means the UKCAs ideal venues are between 400-1000 square meters.

To work out the cost, take the square meters and multiply it by 5. This would be the maximum budget for that venue.

Example: A 594sqm venue has a competitor limit of 145 and a budget of £2970

If you think you have found a suitable venue, please email all of the details to

The UKCA are able to hold multiple competitions on the same weekend, so dates may still be possible even if there is another competition planned for that weekend.

In certain desirable locations, particularly major cities, the UKCA may be able to help iby aiding with the hire of furniture or running the competition at a small loss.

Note: If you have found a venue that doesn’t quite fit all our requirements, send it in anyway and we will let you know if it is still possible or not!

Would you like a SPONSOR?

KewbzUK are always more than happy to help you curate the perfect weekend.

Did you know?


If you'd like KewbzUK to support your event, just inform the UKCA when giving them your veneue information.

Organisers can choose any sponsor, but when it comes to genuine support and community spirit, the decision often makes itself 🫣